Friday, March 26, 2010

Phone Tag

Diggin' in the Myspace vaults again...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

.:Random Thoughts:. 3/15/06
Current mood: contemplative

"Phone Tag"

I was thinking about the fact that a certain love interest of mine in another city and I have resumed our favortie (or not-so-favorite) game of phone tag, and an interesting thought came to mind. The whole concept of "phone tag" is very's why:

In a normal game of tag, you chase someone until you catch them, and upon catching them, you TAG them. Now, it's their turn to chase you until they catch you and tag you, and the process repeats. Thing is, to tag someone, you have to catch them first. The whole concept of phone tag is quite the opposite. As I said earlier, to tag someone, you have to have caught them first. But, when you tag someone in phone tag, you didn't really catch them. The whole reason that you tagged them is because you DIDN'T catch them (they didn't pick up the phone). You leave them a message (the tag) in hopes of them calling you back. Then they call you back (chasing you), but you're not there (you have been chased, but not caught), so they "tag" you with another message, so now it's your turn again. Funny thing is, when you finally do catch the person, there's no reason to tag them because you've caught them. But isn't the whole purpose of tag to catch the person so that you can tag them? But once you've caught them, there's no more need to tag, because you're finally talking to them. Ironic, isn't it?

Just a random thought pondered by me while having too much time on my hands....

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