Friday, March 26, 2010

"Just FEEL the music"

Monday, March 9, 2009 at 12:12pm

We've all heard the phrase "just feel the music" in regards to dancing salsa. But what does this phrase really mean? If I'm a beginner in a salsa class and someone tells me to "feel the music," how exactly do I put this into practice? How can I tell when I'm doing it? I think that such a thing as "feeling the music" is alot easier said than done.

I believe that, while there are some people who say this and know exactly what it means, there are too many more people who say this to others without totally understanding all that it entails. At the risk of over-complicating things, I think that "feeling the music" is not nearly as simple as those who haphazardly use this phrase make it seem. Telling someone to "just feel the music" is about as problematic as telling a beginner salsera to "just follow."

What do you guys think about this? I don't think I have the complete answer to this, but I do think it goes alot deeper than it seems. I think it has alot to do w/ musicality, and that it's a skill that has to be learned. Some may have more of a knack for it than others or may be able to pick it up faster than others, but I don't think anyone just naturally feels the music. On that note, what also helps is what one famous instructor calls “actively” listening to the music as you dance. What this means, in a nutshell, is paying attention to the patterns of the music so that you get a feel for what will come next. This way, you are better able to react to and “play” with the song. During the same styling class that she mentioned this, she also gave this awesome analogy: when you dance, you should pretend that the composer of the song approached you, saying something like “Hey, I’m missing an instrument. I need you to be that instrument. Interpret your part as you see fit.”

I think body movement can also help in one's ability to feel the music as well. Having an understanding of it in your head is one thing, but it's a whole 'nother story trying to move your body to what has been processed in your head. Understanding the music without having control of your body is almost like having a story to tell but not having the vocabulary to vividly illustrate your vision to someone else.

Those are my thoughts on the subject. As I said, in no way do I have the complete answer to this, but I’m convinced that this concept is not as simple as it sounds. Any thoughts?

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