Friday, March 26, 2010

The Friend Zone

This was taken from my old Myspace blog, Circa 2005

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


In Chris Rock's 2nd HBO comedy special, "Bring The Pain," he referred to a place that no man wants to ever visit. Unfortunately, most guys, including myself, have stumbled into this place at least one time in their life. And it is never on purpose. What is this place you ask? It is called THE FRIEND ZONE (imagine if you can, ladies, some evil, eerie music playing in the background as you read this. I want all you ladies to get an understanding of how the friend zone

In case any of you don't know what the "friend zone" is, let me break it down for you right quick. Though women can also become stranded in the friend zone, it is usually the male gender that ends up in this dreadful place. What happens is a guy tries to pursue a woman that he is interested in, whether it be for the purpose of a relationship or something else, but in the process of trying to get to know this woman, he somehow or another gets labled as "just a friend", and is almost guaranteed to never be seen as anything more than that. From that moment on, that guy is forever stuck in that particular woman's friend zone.

As Chris Rock so beautifully illustrated in his comedy routine, it is dang near impossible to get out of the friend zone once you're there. And as I said before, no man ever wants to be there but probably will experience it anyway. The funny (or maybe not-so-funny) thing is, is that being in the friend zone once makes it easier to get back there. It's almost like on a guy's first trip to a friend zone (yes, that's right, unfortunately for us guys there are millions of different friend zones because every woman has one), somebody in there stamps "I'm just a friend!!!" on his forehead in a special type of ink that only women can see. And every time he slips up and falls into another woman's friend zone, that label on his head gets bigger and bigger. Ladies, whenever you put a guy into your friend zone, saying "I see you as just a friend," or "you're like a big/little brother to me," or anything else along those lines, chances are it's not the first time he's heard that. And trust me, every time it happens it stings even more. Sometimes it happens so much to one guy that he begins to think, "Am I forever cursed to be seen only as a friend?"

Ladies, with all that having been said, I have some questions for you: What is it about a guy that makes you say "he's just a friend, nothing more?" And at what point during your relationship/acquaintance/friendship with a guy do you make this decision? And finally (I'm sure every man on the face of this earth wants to know the answer to this question) How do we get out of The Friend Zone once we're there? Or is it really true, that the friend zone is inescapable?!?!

Ladies, hit me back and let me know what you think!!!

Luv always,


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