Techie and Artsy usually don't mix. Yet, the geek and artist in me never seem to conflict. I am a rare breed, indeed. Which is why I jumped at the chance to buy the shirts that I shamelessly rock in these photos to the left. I mean, come on, they're my two favorite things in the world (Salsa/mambo + Transformers) mixed together!
I say this to say that I fully embrace my geekiness. I make no efforts to hide it. I have my Transformers collection setting in plain view on the speakers in my living room. They normally sit there looking cool for months on end before I decide to transform them all at once. I think it had been close to a year since the last time, now that I think of it. For some reason I can't transform just one and be done; I have to do them all or I just leave them. I'm rarely home w/ that much free time; hence, my TFs never get transformed.
Never having time to transform my TFs came to an end when Atlanta was hit with about 3-5 inches of snow, its worst snow storm in years. (I can already hear my northern-bred readers scoffing at that statement.) Like many citizens of the Atlanta area, I was stuck at home and not able to go to work (Yaaaaay!) or go out (Boooo!) for days on end. I spent my time playing Final Fantasy VII, UFC Undisputed 2010, Halo Reach, and watching Dragonball Z w/ my roommates, but my antics of geekery came to a peak on the last day when I decided to not only transform all of my TFs, but take pics as well. Below are just a few of the pics. The full album can be found here: Till All Are One
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